Thursday, May 12, 2011

Atheist v Chirstians

Well this is a big debate when it comes to some people while most people just go on there owe beliefs and never get involved in the debate. Well, I'm not one of those people just to sit by and not put my two cents in. Having been on both sides of the aisle on this one I think I can see it from both sides. Now I'm not going to get into whether God exist or not. That is in my opinion a personal choice and one that every person has to make some time in their lives. Now I still have friends on both sides on the aisle. Now that being said I'm sure it will bring some people out of the wood work to comment on what I'm talking about.

Now lets look at the main stream Christians. They have there faith and they feel strongly about it and they feel that they need to spread the word (as it says in the bible not sure where but I know it does). This is fine everyone should have the chance to spread their beliefs in any way shape or form to a point. We do live in a free country and people can choose to listen or not that is what makes this world great. But there approach is all wrong in my opinion. The other day my wife and I where driving down the main drag in our town when there was about 5 people looked like a family standing on the side of the road with signs that said "Jesus loves you" and they were jumping up and down screaming at cars ( in a positive light) drove by. I sat there and thought do they really think that this tactic is going to get people to church or to even open the bible? I say no I think it would do the opposite effect.
Now this post was inspired by some recent conversation that I have had on and off line. Atheist are doing the same thing as the people yelling and holding the signs but they tell you to "please stop praying" and go into some logical conclusion why it doesn't work. Or they try and bring science into the equation by using big words that make them sound smart. So the person that tries to spread the word of Atheist-ism is the same as the Jesus freak people that try to get people to worship God. But, there actions have the opposite effect for most people. Either people are going to fall back deeper into there faith (This is what happens to me) or they go the opposite way completely. Example: "please stop praying" that makes me want to pray even more.
So this will continue Christians will thump the bible some more and Atheist will site articles and scientific facts that they feel discounts God.

The fact of the matter is that we will all find out about five minutes after we die. In my personal opinion the Christians have a much pleasant look at death than the Atheist that is just black and a lack of a soul. But now you must make up your mind if you have not all ready just remember keep an open mind and you will be truly enlighten.


  1. I'd call myself Agnostic. I don't truly believe god doesn't exist yet I think there's some kind of higher power.

  2. I know, right? Atheism might as well be a religion.

  3. I'm not religious but I don't have a negative look at death. Death is a part of life, and when I'm done living my life I'll take a walk with death willingly. :)

    But nice blog!

  4. You know.. people who believe in the Devil, and not God, contradict their self.. because to believe in Satan, you gotta believe in God xD

    ANYHOW, I'm not religious, but I can go on about other life out there..
    I do believe every religion is right though, bits and pieces.

  5. Very good debate. I think I would consider myself Atheist but the whole concept is an interesting one to me.

  6. Yeah religion should be a personal thing. I hate it when others shove it down my throat, since me as an atheist don't shove my opinion down their throat!

  7. Atheism should just be a religion in my opinion.

  8. I agree. I am a Christian but I can't stand other Christians who try to push it on others; that is not the way to gain any sort of respect for the cause. I feel the same about Atheists who berate me when I tell them my beliefs and say I'm an idiot for believing in God..I don't give a damn about anyone else's religion, and I certainly won't shove Jesus down their throats so it really irks me when they act just as badly. I agree that religion is a spiritual journey you make alone and no one can force you into anything.

  9. For agnostics it must be fun :D

  10. I am agnostic, and it makes it way more complicated.

  11. this is a fun argument every time haha
