Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Should the World be fair?

Should everything in the world be fair?

Hmmmmm what do you think please add a comment.
I really don't think so. There is a huge debate in America right now over the Rich. Now I'm by no means rich but am I mad at the rich for what they do? No not at all. I'm actually grateful for what they do. If the rich weren't rich then there would be no jobs for the middle and lower class of people. People here want to tax the rich more and more sounds like a Robin Hood thing to me. But what if we tax them sooo much want then? I can tell you what I would do. I would take all my money and move to a country where I wasn't tax so much and I could have a more business friendly atmosphere. You see in America you can become rich and lose it too. Look at Trump for example he has a lot of cash but did you know about 30 years ago he was broke. Look at Dave Ramsey he went broke twice actually and build it back up again. So why is gaining wealth in America these days looked down on I really don't understand it? Should things be the same in everyone house according the the great (lol) R. Wright? That sounds like socialism to me and that means giving up freedoms for the betterment of everyone else. Not for me

I have one suggestion to people that want to be on the same playing field with the rich. Lets tax everyone the same 17-20% flat tax rate but I bet the people that are screaming about the rich not paying all that much or that they have more power than the people would say no. Thats being hypocritical if you ask me. I say work your ass off and get rich make opportunities for yourself think positive and love life to the fullest and don't judge people on how much they make. My generation thinks they are entitled to everything and frankly I don't understand it. In my opinion your not entitled to anything in this world and you have to make your own way.


  1. Equality of oportunity is what you need, but to remove any differentiation within society is to remove any motive for hardwork and excellence.

  2. ........and therein lies the problem, not everyone in your gen thinks they are entitled to it all...............just as all people do not support constant warfare over ideals or religion, or a bucket of oil, and by the way its already been shown a 10% flat tax would be fine

  3. It's the fact that the balance of power shifts with the gain of money that's the real problem. That was my point on your other post. One way to help solve this issue is to take away the lobbyist groups, get rid of earmarks, and force the Congress to only get paid while they're in office. No lifetime benefits, no "government healthcare", no retirement besides their own 401k and social security like the rest of us. Then some people might ask what perks you would get to make the job appealing? Well that one is easy, the perk is that you get to sit in Congress and do your duty to the country and help make it a better place for all. Keep those crooked asshole in Washington and nothing will ever get fixed like it's supposed to...

  4. Some people arent fortunate enough to become rich. Or atleast have a chance at becoming rich. What about the people that arent able to go to college because their parents are poor, what about the people that are handicaped?

  5. not really, as you wouldn't piss on a burning friend unless you thought there was something you could gain from doing so, also you don't know jack when it comes to business and taxes,if we have the highest corp. tax rate in the world then why do certain companies pay zero taxes???????? example: why are airline baggage fees that generate billions of dollars not taxed and yet your family can't give you 25k without it being reported and TAXED!!!!!!

  6. The world can't be completely fair, but that doens't mean we shouldn't try to make a society where everyone had the tools and education they need to have a chance at success.

  7. No. I hate during the olympics, living in Canada. People are like "We get a tenth of the metals compared to the states, but we have a tenth of the population." If you did that with everything it would be a big lame tie.
